  • Website Content Collection
    Website Url
    Confirm the URL is correct Y/N
    Confirm the ABN is correct Y/N
    Business Name
    Confirm the above is correct Y/N
    Business Address
    Business Email
  • Social Links
    Linked In
  • Branding
    About Your Business (About Us, Slogan, Year Established, Opening Hours, Areas your service)
    Products & Services Description
    Other Unique Selling Points (Eg: Free Quotes, 24/7, After Hours, Same day delivery, Australian Made, Locally Owned and Operated, Family Business, Accreditation/Licences, Training, Certificates, Other....)
    Upload Certificates, Licences, Accreditation
  • Site Page Information
    Individual Page Name - Page 1
    Confirm the Page name is Correct Y/N - if Not - Provide correct page name
    Page Specific Instructions for the Designer "Page 1"
    Provide as much information as you can. If you don't know - you could provide an example of another website that you like
    Individual Page Name - Page 2
    Confirm the Page name is Correct Y/N - if Not - Provide correct page name
    Page Specific Instructions for the Designer "Page 2" & Products
    Provide as much information as you can. If you don't know - you could provide an example of another website that you like
    Individual Page Name - Page 3
    Confirm the Page name is Correct Y/N - if Not - Provide correct page name
    Page Specific Instructions for the Designer "Page 3" & Products
    Provide as much information as you can. If you don't know - you could provide an example of another website that you like
    Individual Page Name - Page 4
    Confirm the Page name is Correct Y/N - if Not - Provide correct page name
    Page Specific Instructions for the Designer "Page 4" & Products
    Provide as much information as you can. If you don't know - you could provide an example of another website that you like
  • Additional Page [If Relavent]
    Individual Page Name - Page 5
    Confirm the Page name is Correct Y/N - if Not - Provide correct page name
    Page Specific Instructions for the Designer "Page 4" & Products
    Provide as much information as you can. If you don't know - you could provide an example of another website that you like
    Individual Page Name - Page 6
    Confirm the Page name is Correct Y/N - if Not - Provide correct page name
    Page Specific Instructions for the Designer "Page 4" & Products
    Provide as much information as you can. If you don't know - you could provide an example of another website that you like
    Other Specific Instructions for the Designer
  • Logo & Competitor Analysis
    Competitor Sites that you LOVE
    Give us examples of site you like
    Colours / Branding / Style Guide Lines [dos/donts]
    Tell us your Branding Colours / Logo Colours
    Features you like about Competitor Sites
    Other Sites you Like
    Attach your LOGO
    Upload Videos

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